AC/DC Bon Scott inspired HELL AINT A BAD PLACE TO BE T-Shirt
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When you think of the album Let There Be Rock it is the title track and the iconic Whole Lotta Rosie that grab the most attention, while over on If You Want Blood, killer track follows killer track on what pretty much passes for a Greatest Hits collection, so it is easy to see why Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be so often gets forgotten about. Anyone else and it would be the best thing they'd ever written, but in the AC/DC canon, even this Grade A Bon Scott classic gets passed over by so many outside the hardcore. But no more here at BathroomWall. So for all you Bon Scott disciples that prefer the idea of life down below than up above, here's a T-shirt that proclaims what you have suspected all along... that Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be.